Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Debbie Otto
Director of Hope Pregnancy Center
2nd Annual Personhood Rally. Enjoy our Speakers of truth, praise & worship music, encouragement & comradery.
Where: Helena Capitol Building 2nd floor rotunda
When: 2:00 - 5:00 PM on Thursday, February 2, 2017
Speakers and Presentation:
Emcee: Ronalee Skees
Special Presentation: Katie’s Journey: a story you don’t want to miss
Featured Speakers:
Former MT. House Representative, co-founder of Montana ProLife Coalition:
Roger Koopman
President of Montana ProLife Coalition: Dr. Annie Bukacek
Keynote Speaker:
Chuck Baldwin, pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell
Author and columnist
Former State Chairman of the Florida Moral Majority
Constitution Party candidate for U.S. Vice President in 2004 and President in 2008
Speaker in many churches in the US and abroad,as well as on several national television networks.
Find out more about Dr. Baldwin at libertyfellowshipmt.com
Special Music by: Maidservants in Montana
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